We’re all guilty of picking up a dangerfood every once in a while. They seem innocent enough on the outside, masquerading behind their whole wheat-touting labels or a crunchy bed of lettuce. But a closer look at the nutrition label reveals some dirty little secrets— shrouds of sugar, calorie-packed dressing, and more.
1. Trail Mix
Yes, it’s packed with protein and omega-3s, and makes for a portable, satisfying snack. But what lurks behind these nutty, prepackaged snacks are loads of excess sugar, oils, and preservatives. Even though the nuts in trail mix are filled with heart-healthy fats, that also means they’re high in calories. Add on the extra-salty varieties and sugar-packed dried fruits (another dangerfood!), and there’s a bit of a dilemma. Avoid prepackaged mixes with lots of fruit and opt for homemade batches with unsalted nuts and all-natural fruits.
2. Hummus
This one’s another calorie trap, with each container packing up to 700 calories! While this garbanzo bean-based dip does offer a good dose of protein, heart-healthy fats, and fiber, working it into a healthy diet is all about portion control. Stick to one serving (2 tablespoons) to keep the calorie count under 80 calories. Also, stick to lower-calorie and carb dippers like fresh or lightly steamed veggies like carrots, celery, snap peas, or broccoli instead of pita chips or pretzels.
3. Granola
Yes, this crunchy, nutty breakfast treat may look like a healthy way to start the day. Unfortunately, commercial varieties roasted with sweeteners and dried fruit may be higher in sugar and calories than their fiber-filled oats are worth. When strolling down the granola aisle, avoid any varieties with sugary ingredients— fructose, corn syrup, cornstarch, chocolate— high on the nutrition label, and beware of terms like “glazed” or “frosted.”
4. Sushi
It’s a healthier dinner than fried chicken, we’ll give you that. But despite the fresh veggies and omega-3-filled fish, sushi can be a silent killer when it comes to calorie counts, often packed with too much rice (sometimes a full cup per roll!), fried fillings, and heavy sauces. Instead, opt for sashimi (slices of fish without the rice), or a brown rice roll with only fresh fish (hold the sauce). Another word to the wise: Stay away from special Americanized rolls (like the popular Philadelphia roll) that are often filled with extra calories from cream cheese or (yes) even bacon.
It might be a healthier alternative to ice cream, but frozen yogurt doesn’t always make it all the way to the healthy side of the healthy-food battle. While brands with live, active yogurt cultures (a.k.a.probiotics) may offer some health benefits, they’re also often packed with sugar and preservatives.
6. Dried Fruit
While dried fruit does have some redeeming qualities, varieties with added chemicals and sugar make it easy to question these healthy claims. To pick a healthier version, look for “no sugar added” or brands that use alternative sweeteners like all-natural fruit juice. Also beware of serving sizes: Dried fruit is considered an energy dense food— high in calories, and relatively low in nutritional value.
7. Bagels
Once upon a time, bagels weighed in at just 3 ounces apiece. Today, they often clock in at twicethat. And while they do offer a small dose of iron, fiber, and protein, at up to 360 calories a pop, they can pack as much as 100 more calories and twice the carbs of the average frosted doughnut— that’s about 70 grams of carbohydrates in one 4 ½ inch bagel, or almost half of theUSDA’s daily recommended intake.
8. Diet Soda
Diet drinks may sound healthier, but some studies suggest drinking diet soda might actually be linked to greater weight gain than its sugary cousins! Another study found people who drink more than one diet soda per day have experienced a greater increase in waist size over almost ten years than those who avoid the bubblies completely. One of the biggest factors to blamed? Aspartame, acalorie-free sweetener used in many diet sodas.
9. Potatoes
Sure, they’re filling and inexpensive. But potatoes’ high glycemic load (or how they affect blood sugar) could send them to the nutritional dark side when eaten in excess. And aside from this natural downside, potato preparation often makes them even more dangerous, from French fried orbaked and loaded to mashed and gravy-ed, which can each hold as many as 500 calories per serving (and that’s without the main dish!).
10. Peanut Butter
Just one two-tablespoon serving of this favorite nutty spread packs around 190 calories. By themselves, peanuts are pretty innocent. Once they’re processed and turned into butter? Then we’re entering dangerous territory. The nuts are roasted, shelled, and ground, at which point they’re typically mixed with other ingredients like salt, hydrogenated vegetable oil, dextrose, corn syrup, and honey. These added ingredients help to extend shelf life and make life a little sweeter, but they can also mean the addition of trans fats— even if the label says “zero trans fat“— which can raise “bad” (LDL) cholesterol.
11. Granola Bars
Although convenient, these oat, grain, and nut-packed bars are not always as healthy as they may seem. Popular brands like Quaker Oats and Nature Valley can contain as many as 25 ingredients,12 grams of sugar, and sugar-filled ingredients like chocolate and peanut butter. In fact, these bars can actually be almost as bad as eating a real candy bar in terms of sugar and calories! Plus, many brands contain high fructose corn syrup (linked to weight gain and insulin resistance); hydrogenated oils (which can raise cholesterol levels); and monosodium glutamate or MSG (linked to obesity and type 2 diabetes).
12. Caesar Salad
Just because it’s on a bed of lettuce doesn’t mean it’s healthy. Caesar salad may seem like a healthy menu option, but its calories-laden dressing, blanket of cheese, and refined grains make it a not-so-smart choice. In moderation, they’re all fine. But take a closer look, and we have a different story. The classic Caesar dressing is made from egg yolks, which are high in calories and cholesterol, and may also carry Salmonella. Parmesan cheese may be a good source of calcium and protein in moderation, but when it’s piled sky high, those benefits are outweighed. And the croutons? Just added carbs and calories.
13. Energy Drinks
Sometimes, we’ll do anything for a little energy boost. But are canned energy drinks really worth it? Packed with calories and sugar (sometimes as much as six Krispy Kreme Doughnuts!), the answer is most likely not really. And many also contain unhealthy doses of caffeine, which could lead to anxiety, insomnia, irregular heartbeat, and increased blood pressure. And while single serving 8-ounce cans typically keep caffeine at a reasonable level, the super-sized drinks and concentrated energy “shots” can contain over 200 mg. Throw in unverified supplements (like taurine and ginkgo biloba) and the popular trend of combining them with alcohol (like, say, Red Bull and vodka) makes them even more questionable and possibly dangerous.
Family holidays might not be complete without this dish on the dinner table, but sometimes, it might be smart to make some changes. With a base of condensed cream of mushroom soup, many recipes are automatically overloaded with sodium (up to 1,000mg!), which has been linked to high blood pressure when consumed in excess. And the fried onions? The “fried” part should be a dead giveaway.
15. Yogurt
Ok, ok, so yogurt is mostly healthy. Got a hankering for some low fat plain Greek yogurt with fresh berries and a drizzle of honey? Go for it! It’s when we head toward the coffee-flavored yogurt with chocolate cookie crumbs for breakfast that the trouble starts. Flavors with lots of added sugar (basically any flavored concoction) can rack up the calorie and carb count far beyond that of naturalyogurt. If ingredients like corn syrup, dextrose, fructose, fruit juice concentrate, glucose, high-fructose corn syrup, maltose, or any other “syrup” or “sugar” appear on the label, it’s probably best to stay away.
16. Canned Produce
Let’s say it together, folks: Fresh is always better! Often saturated with excess sodium or sugar,canned produce is rarely a smarter choice. And the potential harm of BPA found in canned foods? Just another downside.
17. Fruit Juice
Just because it came from fruit doesn’t mean it has the same benefits. One cup— take apple, for example— can pack more than 100 calories. But some nutritionists believe the real problem starts when people think about juice (or any liquid) as calorie-free— which is clearly not true. But our biggest problem with juice is all about the sugar. Yeah, fruit naturally has a good deal of it, but squeezing it (literally) into juice form just makes that sugar even easier to choke down. Plus, juicing even removes the super-healthy fiber that real fruit provides. Goodbye, redeeming qualities!
18. Veggie Burgers
When not so keen on meat (or just looking for a break), veggie burgers might be a good alternative. But the excess sodium, processed ingredients, and even the possibility of toxins (!) easily push veggie burgers into the danger zone. Patties made out of straight veggies might be okay, but those based on processed soy (which some studies suggest lacks the benefits of natural soy) aren’t as smart of a choice. And with the sodium levels in some brands (over 400 mg per patty!), they may even be a gateway to serious health issues like high blood pressure and kidney disease.
19. Breakfast Cereal
Say it with me, people: Excess sugar is bad! Sensing a theme, here? In addition to having no nutritional benefits of its own, added sugar can increase the risk of tooth decay, weight gain, and heart disease[15]. Plus, sticking to one serving is nearly impossible. (One serving of Frosted Mini Wheats, for example, contains only five pieces for 175 calories!) Opt for a whole grain, fiber-filled, low-sugar variety, though, and the benefits may start to outweigh the downsides.
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